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Infokey: 970b2562-943a-4744-bbf6-e547f4986e5d
Date of Publication: 09. December 2024, 12:20 PM CET
Editorial responsability: Café Europe. Nachrichtenagentur AG
Published in:
News tickers: 6
Newsletters: 4
Total recipients: 6582
Our news platforms:
German on: Punkt 4 Info
English on: Swisstrade
Economico Pro

Information about the company/companies

Swiss Textiles
Short description: Swiss Textiles is the national textile association with around 250 internationally oriented SMEs. Founded in 1874, the association represents the interests of its members nationally and internationally, from labor law and safety, trademark protection, customs and origin issues to education, sustainability and communication.

Swiss Venture Club
Short description:

Limmatstadt AG
Short description: Limmatstadt AG is the regional, cross-cantonal location promoter of the Limmat Valley. It already counts over 250 shareholders, members, partners, cities and municipalities.