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Infokey: b7a15926-4ec7-4612-8164-a2d82d808351
Date of Publication: 17. March 2025, 09:51 AM CET
Editorial responsability: Café Europe. Nachrichtenagentur AG
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Information about the company/companies

Swiss Textiles
Short description: Swiss Textiles is the national textile association with around 250 internationally oriented SMEs. Founded in 1874, the association represents the interests of its members nationally and internationally, from labor law and safety, trademark protection, customs and origin issues to education, sustainability and communication.

Wirtschaftsförderung Thurgau
Short description: The Economic Development Office is affiliated to the Department of Economy and Employment of the Ministry of Home and Economic affairs of the canton of Thurgau. It takes care of the concerns of local business enterprises in the Thurgau, as well as answer the questions of people who want to take advantage of the economic locality of Thurgau in the future. It informs, accompanys, supports or advices companies within the realms of regulatory and legal options. This includes, for example, providing details of appropriate real estate or property, assistance with relocation questions or establishing contacts with the local authorities. The Office works closely with various specialists from the private sector in order to offer a professional network.

Innovation Zurich
Short description: With Innovation Zurich, the three partners - the cantonal Office for Economy, Greater Zurich Area and Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich - aim to promote networking, offer guidance and provide an overview of news and events relating to innovation in the Canton of Zurich. They work in close collaboration with a range of partners in the respective ecosystems, serving in a neutral capacity and without any commercial intent. This is how they strive to contribute to the innovation ecosystem in Zurich as a business location, and to initiate future projects in seminal technologies and key industries.

Nachhaltigkeit Schweiz
Short description: Sustainability needs visibility. A number of organizations are committed not only to making the Swiss economy and society sustainable in all three dimensions - ecological, social and economic - but also to making the actors of sustainability visible.
All news articles about: Nachhaltigkeit Schweiz

Leading partner Circular Economy Switzerland
Short description: Circular Economy Switzerland fördert die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Schweiz. Ziel ist die Vernetzung und Mitwirkung unserer Mitglieder zu fördern, Kooperationen zu stärken und den Wissensaustausch zu intensivieren. Das soll eine resilientere Schweizer Wirtschaft innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen ermöglichen.

Netzwerkpartner CleantechAlps
Short description: CleantechAlps was created on the initiative of the seven cantons of Western Switzerland, its objective is to boost the competitiveness and reputation of the region’s businesses. Backed by Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), CleantechAlps strives to achieve three main missions, connecting different neworking activities to accelerate the Integration of businesses into the cleantech ecosystem, and promoting Innovation.

Network partner GreenBuzz
Short description: GreenBuzz is a non-profit (NPO) whose focus is on fostering collaborations, encouraging knowledge transfer across the business, science, public office and industry communities. Its vision is that organisations will have transitioned to sustainable business with its support. GreenBuzz wants to make sustainability the new normal in business through supporting individual professionals and companies in pushing the required transition.

Network partner Next Generations
Short description: is an active Swiss network project platform (non-profit) that develops and implements “grandchildren-friendly” business models, products and events together. The motto of the NG network: “Just do it together”.

Network partner Swiss Food Research
Short description: Swiss Food Research is the largest innovation network in the Swiss agro-food space. As an association with over 200 members from research institutions, companies and start-ups as well as national and international partner networks, it drives innovation in the agro-food ecosystem through knowledge and technology transfer.

Network partner Der Gewerbeverein
Short description: Der Gewerbeverein comprises small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are committed to a sustainable form of business and are based in Switzerland. It networks its members and strengthens them in their work. At a political level, it is committed to ensuring that ecologically and socially minded economic activity no longer goes hand in hand with financial losses.

Standort Ostschweiz
Short description: Eastern Switzerland is one of the most industrialized regions in Europe - and one of the most scenic. It is home to a variety of small, medium-sized and large companies, many of which are among the market leaders in their sector. With its application-oriented universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutions, the region is also an important location for innovation.
All news articles about: Standort Ostschweiz

Short description: The St.GallenBodenseeArea (SGBA) is a leading location in Switzerland and Europe for precision industry, ICT and central corporate functions. Effective data & IP protection, cost and tax advantages, a first-class research environment and easy access to highly trained specialists are among the framework conditions that distinguish the SGBA as an investment and technology location. The St.GallenBodenseeArea is located in the technology triangle of Munich - Stuttgart - Milan and includes the cantons of Appenzell Inner- and Ausserrhoden, St.Gallen and Thurgau.

Wirtschaftsförderung Thurgau
Short description: The Economic Development Office is affiliated to the Department of Economy and Employment of the Ministry of Home and Economic affairs of the canton of Thurgau. It takes care of the concerns of local business enterprises in the Thurgau, as well as answer the questions of people who want to take advantage of the economic locality of Thurgau in the future. It informs, accompanys, supports or advices companies within the realms of regulatory and legal options. This includes, for example, providing details of appropriate real estate or property, assistance with relocation questions or establishing contacts with the local authorities. The Office works closely with various specialists from the private sector in order to offer a professional network.